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Mon, 27 Jan 2003

The torture chamber is full of brightly-coloured machine parts

Torture is a grisly, inhumane, evil business. But sometimes it throws up something that can only be described as surreal. Today's issue of The Guardian features "Alphonse Laurencic, [a surrealist artist] who invented a form of 'psychotechnic' torture, according to the research of the art historian Jose Milicua."

Mr Milicua's information came from a written account of Laurencic's trial before a Francoist military tribunal. That 1939 account was written by a man called R L Chacon who, like anybody allowed to publish by the newly installed dictatorship, could not have been expected to feel any sympathy for what Nazi Germany had already denounced as "degenerative art".

Laurencic, who claimed to be a painter and conductor in civilian life, created his so-called "coloured cells" as a contribution to the fight against General Franco's rightwing rebel forces.

The cells, built in 1938 and reportedly hidden from foreign journalists who visited the makeshift jails on Vallmajor and Saragossa streets, were as inspired by ideas of geometric abstraction and surrealism as they were by avant garde art theories on the psychological properties of colours.

Beds were placed at a 20 degree angle, making them near-impossible to sleep on, and the floors of the 6ft by 3ft cells was scattered with bricks and other geometric blocks to prevent prisoners from walking backwards and forwards, according to the account of Laurencic's trial.

The only option left to prisoners was staring at the walls, which were curved and covered with mind-altering patterns of cubes, squares, straight lines and spirals which utilised tricks of colour, perspective and scale to cause mental confusion and distress.

... According to the prosecutors who put Laurencic on trial in 1939, a jail in Murcia in south-east Spain forced prisoners to view the infamously disturbing scene from Dali and Bunuel's film Un Chien Andalou, in which an eyeball is sliced open.

There's more. Much more, all of which goes to suggest that the Spanish civil war was a vile and nasty affair, with atrocities committed by all sides -- Franco-era mass graves are still coming to light -- but leaves me pondering; what is the connection between torture and art? Fiction about torture in which it is described as an art form -- typically a performance art, practiced on living flesh -- are not so very unusual, but it seems to be much rarer for the real torturers to try to use art in a manner like this.

Colour me perplexed.

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