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Tue, 18 Mar 2003

War, and Rumours of War

Rumour has it that all the BBC newsrooms (TV and radio both) have gone onto a wartime schedule and they're expecting something to happen around 10pm tonight, UK time -- which is midnight in Baghdad, if I'm not very much mistaken.

Here are my guesses about where we're going:

  • Possibly some of the Ba'ath high-ups will try to bump off Saddam. But they'd have to be very good and very lucky to succeed -- they won't be the first plotters to try.
  • The Iraqi army will surrender. Some units of the Republican Guard will; others won't. The US assumption that because the Republican Guard were crap in the Kuwaiti desert in 1991 they'll be crap at defending their own capital city in 2003 is just that -- an assumption, and possibly a faulty one. It could get incredibly ugly if they go for street-fighting through suburbs from which civilians have not been evacuated.
  • The US plans to supply Iraq with food, medicine, and reconstruction aid after the war will prove to be hopelessly inadequate, and hasty improvisation will be required to avert a huge humanitarian catastrophe. This will be represented after the event as a triumph of careful advance planning.
  • Right now, the "reinforced brigade" of US army troops occupying Kabul is actually close to divisional strength. This actually ties down three divisions -- one on the sharp end, one on R&R having come off duty, and one preparing to go in -- out of a total strength of 11 divisions. If we postulate that the US army can nail down and occupy Iraq post- war with a similar sized force, that ties up 6 of the US army's 11 divisions indefinitely. Oops. This is going to have knock-on effects on Bush's ability to do with crises arising in the next year. Maybe he'll try to work around it by reverting to a Churchillian strategy (doomed to failure, as Group Captain Gray, author of this paper, explains). Or maybe he just trusts Kim Jong-Il to sit still and wait his turn?
  • By the same token, the White House "forgot" to allocate any money to reconstructing Afghanistan this year, until Congress reminded them to the tune of $300M. Obviously Iraq can pay for itself. So, with the price of oil dropping, they'll open the stop-cocks and drop it still further. Good news for Bush's friends, who've been buying up mothballed oil refineries -- bad news for the House of Saud, who will get to face a pre-revolutionary situation with an empty treasury. Oops, what was that about the US army already being over-committed?

If Bush had gone about this sensibly, he could borrow Canadian or German or French or Russian troops to handle the post-war occupation. But as it is, the bill for unilateralism is going to come due only when Iraq surrenders -- when he discovers that, having made his bed, he's going to have to sleep in it alone.

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posted at: 19:07 | path: /wartime | permanent link to this entry


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