Giulio Prisco

Giulio Prisco

  • Commented on A question about the future of the world wide web
    Charlie, I will risk the banning for stupidity and say that Bitcoin - perhaps not the current implementation, but a future implementation of blockchain tech for something like Bitcoin - is made just for that. The W3C is working on...
  • Commented on Chilling Effects
    Hi Linda, I am a big fan of yours. Limit of Vision is my favorite (by far - it's really a great novel, please write more like that), followed by The Bohr Maker and Tech Heaven. I found Vast and...
  • Commented on Any Sufficiently Advanced Technology Is Indistinguishable From Cthulhu
    Great post! I think the influence of Lovecraft is all over the best science fiction that deals with the irreducible, incomprehensible and inescapable otherness of possible life forms and AIs in the Universe, especially evident in Lem's fiction and non-fiction...
  • Commented on A Rebuttal of 'The Singularity is Further Than it Appears'
    Right, Dirk. As Arthur Clarke said, perhaps we are not supposed to worship God, but to create Him....
  • Commented on A Rebuttal of 'The Singularity is Further Than it Appears'
    @Charlie re "an astrophysicist trying to square the circle of Christian doctrine with modern cosmology" So what? Leonardo tried to square the circle of Greek myths of flying heroes like Icarus with technology. He failed because the technology of his...
  • Commented on The Singularity Is Further Than It Appears
    Great to see you here Ramez. What you say reflects my own opinions - I am persuaded that conscious AI and mind uploading will be developed, but not as soon as we hope, and not without unexpected problems and detours....
  • Commented on Snowden leaks: the real take-home
    re "Only if you can cope with the insecurity that comes with that. Lots of people can't." I know what you mean, getting used to insecurity is very hard when you come from having more security. But you can try...
  • Commented on Snowden leaks: the real take-home
    I think the end of the job-for-life thing is good. Isn't it better to work for somebody for as long as it is rewarding and then go work for somebody else? I think the freedom to say fuck off helps...
  • Commented on Snowden leaks: the real take-home
    I was born in 1957 (baby boomer I guess), before Gen X, but I never expected, or wanted, a "job for life." I always assumed the validity of "Employers are alien hive-mind colony intelligences who will fuck you over for...
  • Commented on The Curious Experience of Middle Age
    I am 3 years older than you. As you say, "one of the rewards of aging is learning to not give a damn about the opinion of those with nothing productive to say, as well as the nagging little perfectionist...
  • Commented on Why I Do Self-Publish
    Great to see you here Linda! I loved The Bohr Maker, Deception Well, Vast, and Limits of Vision (my favorite). I think self-publishing may be not advisable for a new author (if you self-publish your first novel, that means nobody...
  • Commented on Dragged kicking and screaming into the 19th century
    Re "[the Catholic Church is] a rare example of a human institution that has survived for quadruple-digit years. And the way they have managed to survive that long, is by practicing realpolitik and adapting to a changing world. They adapt...
  • Commented on Roko's Basilisk wants YOU
    @Charlie re "we end up imposing the same (or similar) patterns on the evidence" According to Kant and later thinkers, space and time themselves are patterns that we impose on reality. Perhaps causality as well. If we always end up...
  • Commented on Roko's Basilisk wants YOU
    The parallels between transhumanism and religion are remarkable indeed. There is, however, an important difference: religion is a belief, while transhumanism is a plan. The difference is the same as the difference between "We will win the game because God...
  • Commented on Roko's Basilisk wants YOU
    Re "the transhumanists are in danger of merely reinventing Christianity, in a more dour and fun-phobic guise. See also: Nikolai Fyodorovich Fyodorov." Why, we have reinvented religion, but in a fun-loving guise....
  • Commented on Things that keep me awake at night #1: The end of telephony
    I admire your self-control, when they call my landline phone to sell crap I say worse than "fuck off!" After so many years of online life I have become so used to sending/receiving email/IM asking if and when to call,...
  • Commented on The ticking clock, stopped
    Of course this would affect my plans. There are so many good things that I used to do when I was younger, but stopped doing because the spirit is still strong but the flesh is already weak. I would restart...
  • Commented on Attention Conservation Notice
    Wow this is so Cthul !...
  • Commented on 2512
    Charlie, assuming your parameters (the current main trends continue without big game changers) the only world that I can imagine in 2512 is such a nightmare that I prefer not to think of it. There is just one relatively "good"...
  • Commented on The ticking clock
    5 years is enough time to find a way not do die, perhaps enrolling in a very experimental clinical trial in some offshore place (dangerous but better than dying). Or at least long enough to hope to escape death, which...
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