

  • Commented on Sitrep
    Small animals have bigger problems with containing enough heat then with dissipating it. This is definitely true for mice-sized creatures, cats are bigger but probably not big enough. So having faster heat loss they get not an advantage but a...
  • Commented on Why I want Bitcoin to die in a fire
    If BitCoin "works" today, somebody else would develop "ByteBuck" tomorrow, and perhaps "GigaCash" after that. You won't believe me......
  • Commented on What scared H. P. Lovecraft
    Stick authoritarianism in a computer and the oppression is inescapable Perhaps you have no much of experience in the software engineering or computer security? :) Software bug Exploit (computer security) Privilege escalation Given the tremendous complexity of a software capable...
  • Commented on Marking time, more thoughts
    Well, may be my previous answer wasn't the best one I ever formulated. What I was mean to say, is that even if we look at the immediate effects of computers (I would put a wider frame and talk about...
  • Commented on Marking time, more thoughts
    This is true only if we have the zero sum game with the fixed set of goods/services to produce. Then indeed the automation causes fewer jobs left on the market or it has no sense. But we have no such...
  • Commented on Marking time, more thoughts
    You replace the most expensive employees first. Expensive because you need a lot of them (car factories, typesetters) or because they are expensive to educate and talent is rare (brain-surgeons). It is the difference between the employee cost and the...
  • Commented on Crib Sheet: Saturn's Children
    Can we hope for it or can we expect it depends on how much we inclined to preserve the original genuine Homo Sapiens biology. As far as we don't mind replace leucocytes to mechanocytes and so on up to the...
  • Commented on Crib Sheet: Saturn's Children
    If you have magical brain-backups you likely have magical brain-copying so you can replicate humans faster then they extinct. Not that this really change something because those species would in short time become no more human then robots running human-like...
  • Commented on A Bad Dream
    Charlie, your model is great but I think it miss an important part - The Ruling Party is an Alien Invader itself. Because if you postulate that corporations became independent agencies with free will, why wouldn't The Ruling Party became...
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