• Commented on Crib Sheet: Equoid
    Charlie re Catrina. I didn't pursue a math career because a teacher in 9th grade made everyone stand up and do a math problem in their head. I always froze, and eventually stood until everyone else sat, simply to spite...
  • Commented on The Biggest Little SF Publisher you never heard of pulls on the jackboots
    "That's called game theory in your vicinity" Yes, I think that's called an "extortionate strategy". Cooperate or face my lawyers I put posted a link to an article way upthread that explores this (I think): http://www3.cs.stonybrook.edu/~jingchen/papers/The%20Robustness%20of%20Zero-Determinant%20Strategies%20in%20Iterated%20Prisoners%20Dilemma%20Games.pdf I confess I didn't...
  • Commented on The Biggest Little SF Publisher you never heard of pulls on the jackboots
    Oops. @683 Wrong tags. They are 661 and 663. Re: "biological AND dual use" Cream pie? BobH...
  • Commented on The Biggest Little SF Publisher you never heard of pulls on the jackboots
    "warriors playing the 'victim card'" Kind of hard to tell. Almost every country that has a military uses the meme of "our boys making the ultimate sacrifice in our defense" when the real purpose is sacrificing the enemy. Nonetheless, most...
  • Commented on The Biggest Little SF Publisher you never heard of pulls on the jackboots
    Charlie re: tit for tat, I'm not sure how to apply it in this case, but the game theory strategy that seems to work best over the long run is termed "generous,"i.e. it forgives some defections without being a chump....
  • Commented on The Biggest Little SF Publisher you never heard of pulls on the jackboots
    Back to what to do. For both the Hugos and in general this blog(and others) discussions are an advertisement for prisoners' dilemma analysis. Read GRRM's comments. He says don't be like them. That's tit-for-tat and likely to produce escalation. "Nice"...
  • Commented on The Biggest Little SF Publisher you never heard of pulls on the jackboots
    "Christianists" You might call them New Romans, though that's sort of unfair to Rome. Way back @300 I mentioned this craziness developed out of Emperor Constantine's conversion to "Christendom", and then the Roman conversion of Jesus into their war god....
  • Commented on The Biggest Little SF Publisher you never heard of pulls on the jackboots
    Comments were off last night when I started writing this. so it somewhat duplicates what others have said. Responding to the quotes in Charlies post @231 "We are the sons and daughters of the Crusades and of the Inquisitions.... We...
  • Commented on An exercise in futility
    I think we are both pattern recognizing and creating critters. My response to dealing with "digusting fundamentalists" got caught in moderation, but this is a key to coexisting with them. I worked for a long time as a "family therapist"...
  • Commented on An exercise in futility
    "1.there are a lot of disgusting religious fundamentalists in the world....2. how to coexist with them relatively peacefully" 1. true, 2. also true I would be less hard on the disgusting fundamentalists. Pagels (mentioned above) asks why hasn't evolution simply...
  • Commented on An exercise in futility
    "different version, especially in the light of post Dead Sea Scrolls" Those are actually fairly consistent with the orthodox version of the Torah. It's at the Constantine point that things are really strange. There's the regular jews, Jesus jewish followers,...
  • Commented on An exercise in futility
    "putting the bible through this app" I had the same thought. Darn, beat me to it. That would really freak out fundamentalists. Even if you did it in the privacy of your own home and for your own use, because...
  • Commented on An exercise in futility
    How far can I take this? Well you have to believe somewhat in AI, but a while ago you suggested a rather drastic solution to the spammer problem. "Clean Reader" could be understood by the literal minded as a command....
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