

  • Commented on An update on the revolutionary experiment
    Paul@497: This was definitely true at one point, but the Federalist Society is now as much John Eastman as George Conway,...
  • Commented on An update on the revolutionary experiment
    gasdive@490: This system doesn't exist in the United States. Should the Biden administration attempt to do what you suggest, it and the Democratic party would be so radioactive that the Republicans would be in power for decades to come....
  • Commented on An update on the revolutionary experiment
    It's true that the Federal judiciary is not particularly Trumpist and rejected his ridiculous claims in November and December 2020. This doesn't give me much comfort. One of the things that has happened since Trump lost in November is that...
  • Commented on An update on the revolutionary experiment
    Whether he is technically a fascist or not is an interesting question for academics and historians. He is willing to end democracy in America and subvert the government for his own personal aggrandizement and violate people's political and civil rights...
  • Commented on An update on the revolutionary experiment
    They really can't. Even the most catastrophic conceivable result would leave the Democrats with well over 40 Senators. And at least five Republican Senators would refuse to impeach Biden and Harris if the result was installing Trump....
  • Commented on Fossil fuels are dead (and here's why)
    441 - US GHG emissions have remained lower than their 2008 levels for over a decade. The clean energy payment plan and other provisions in the reconciliation bill are projected to cut US emissions by another 40%. Large parts of...
  • Commented on No comment necessary
    No. You are almost the only one I have come across who does that. There is no counterpart to GOP. The counterpart of DNC is RNC and both are specific institutions, not synonyms for their respective parties in any way....
  • Commented on I ain't dead
    JBS @1008: The Federal requirement for a special election to fill a vacant Senate seat doesn't specify a time frame, thus permitting interim appointments by Governors in states that permit that. Most, including North Carolina do. In NC, the Senate...
  • Commented on I ain't dead
    This is an interesting question. What would happen if one morning the President woke up, had breakfast reached for the football and ordered up a nuclear strike on Syria? In 1974, during the later stages of the Watergate scandal, the...
  • Commented on I ain't dead
    Not even. They are fairly lacking in money as a rule and pretty limited in structure and they are notoriously lacking in terms of data, though they are trying to remedy that. Generally, the nominee's campaign takes over the DNC...
  • Commented on I ain't dead
    Burr's actions were sufficiently egregious that being a member of the President's party would normally not be protective. And, neither Congressman Hunter nor Congressman Collins (who was an early and key Trump loyalist and subject to somewhat similar charges) received...
  • Commented on I ain't dead
    I used to think that the odds of a British PM being able to be a dictator was lower than a US President being able to do so. (Keeping half the House of Representatives or a third of the Senate...
  • Commented on I ain't dead
    The idea that winning or losing the primary in a state is indicative of general election performance in that state is unsupported by data and given the difference in electorates. Also, the DNC is not responsible for the Presidential campaign...
  • Commented on I ain't dead
    Biden didn't win the nomination because it was his turn, but because he was the most acceptable candidate to the largest part of the Democratic primary electorate. Biden did motivate significantly greater turnout that usual in the Super Tuesday primaries....
  • Commented on I ain't dead
    Who, other than the Prime Minister, has ultimate authority over the British military?...
  • Commented on I ain't dead
    Hillary Clinton could have won. (With a race that close that her victory was possible should be obvious.) In fact most people and most political pundits expected her to win. If you were, in the spring of 2016, to choose...
  • Commented on I ain't dead
    No, it doesn't. The DNC has literally no power. It's chair is usually a second or third level figure and its members are mostly mid-tier players. That is the situation when the Democrats don't have the White House. When they...
  • Commented on I ain't dead
    Ross Perot was on the ballot in every state. Given enough money or support, getting on the ballot in every state is not a serious obstacle. In 2016 the Libertarian Party was able to place Gary Johnson on the ballot...
  • Commented on I ain't dead
    In North Carolina, the rule is that if a Senator resigns in the middle of his term the Governor (who is currently a Democrat) gets to appoint his replacement - but the replacement must be a member of the same...
  • Commented on "It'll all be over by Christmas"
    JBS @ 830: You indicate that you believe McConnell has committed criminal acts for which he should be prosecuted. Like what?...
  • Commented on "It'll all be over by Christmas"
    That is not relevant to a Senate seat....
  • Commented on "It'll all be over by Christmas"
    Under American law, the Korean War was not a war because Congress didn't declare it so. The argument you advance was used as a justification for the President committing American forces without being at war. (Which is why in the...
  • Commented on "It'll all be over by Christmas"
    Most of the early cases rely on the levying war part of the Treason Clause and there is nothing in the Federalist, Story's commentaries or Madison's writings to suggest the limits of the aid and comfort part of it. Later...
  • Commented on "It'll all be over by Christmas"
  • Commented on "It'll all be over by Christmas"
    We can. However, such an enemy would have to be designated either by Congress, which has not done so, or by the President who would presumably have revoked any such declaration by his actions. In any event, Russia has not...
  • Commented on "It'll all be over by Christmas"
    Somewhat less than half the population, given the electoral college. Whitroth's comment is hyperbolic, but not entirely wrong. Is he a traitor? No, but he does seem to be acting consistently against the way America has historically conceived of its...
  • Commented on "It'll all be over by Christmas"
    Not holding a hearing on a judge never required any vote. Tradition and norms said you didn't do this with a Supreme Court Judge or Cabinet member but it was not uncommon for lower court judges or lower level officials....
  • Commented on "It'll all be over by Christmas"
    It was entirely legal for Charles Grassley (acting in coordination with other Senate Republicans including McConnell) to refuse to schedule a committee hearing or a committee vote on Judge Garland. The Senate ultimately has the right to vote or not...
  • Commented on "It'll all be over by Christmas"
    A Senate committee has no civil servants or experts as members (except in the increasingly unlikely event a Senator happens to be an expert) and no obligation to consider any bill. This last is effectively essential given that the number...
  • Commented on "It'll all be over by Christmas"
    Dictatorships can be soft. Singapore is an example, Mexico under the PRI another one, Hungary up until this past year. You can still speak freely. The judicial system remains mostly impartial. There are elections. But, elections do not lead to...
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