

  • Commented on Facts of Life and Death
    "If some of the financial service jobs move out of London" that's actually fairly likely, but I don't imagine them moving to Brussels, Paris, Frankfurt and Stockholm is what you had in mind....
  • Commented on Facts of Life and Death
    "Basically it is about not being part of a massive would-be undemocratic superstate that sucks more and more power to itself. Like I said elsewhere, if the EU Parliament ran the show with (say) Council of Ministers as second chamber...
  • Commented on Facts of Life and Death
    "improved governance" is not something that generally come with treaties. Treaties are all about compromises to governance and sovereignty, that you make in order to be able interact with other people that do things differently from you. If only someone...
  • Commented on Facts of Life and Death
    Dirk: if the other half of your reason for voting Brexit was "sovereignty" you have just traded a slightly disfunctional democracy with some accountability and some transparency and oversight, for Investor-State Dispute Settlement / Investment Court Systems that have no...
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