• Commented on Do my Homework
    What are they being fed? You can die of malnourishment eating bread and peanut butter as your exclusive diet, and you'll be gaining weight right up until death. Apparently nowadays it includes goat's milk and oily couscous, millet, crushed dates...
  • Commented on Do my Homework
    Yes, I get the potential tradeoffs, my issue is with the 10 year time lag. If the crops have failed, next year's harvest will probably be better due to regression to the mean. If the hunting is bad this year...
  • Commented on Do my Homework
    The Dutch famine stuff has been hyped, and I believed in it for a while, but recently people have reappraised the evidence for an actual effect and it's not that impressive. These are population studies, after all, we can't ethically...
  • Commented on Do my Homework
    "The height ratio between genders is subject to considerable national variation, which strongly suggests that yes, some of this is cultural" Hmmm, what else could explain national variation in the height ratio between genders, that isn't food intake or culture?...
  • Commented on Do my Homework
    If there is a cultural effect on height, why do cultures where women are forcefed throughout adolescence not have taller women relative to the men? And look at this chart of male and female heights since the Paleolithic: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/human-heights-over-the-long-run -...
  • Commented on Do my Homework
    Consider, for example, that a restricted diet stunts growth, and that average adult stature tracks food availability by a generation or three, and ask why men are, on average, taller than women This theory makes no sense. There is some...
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