

  • Commented on How To Survive A Death March
    Personally I like using a Spanish work schedule when I am able, ie start working around 7-7.30 in the morning, lunch at 12, then take it easy, go for a walk, maybe have a nap and then start working again...
  • Commented on The revolution will not be hand-stitched
    Not to mention identity theft, security issues and so on.....
  • Commented on The revolution will not be hand-stitched
    Whats to stop us form making the coagulated fibres skinlike? Why use suntanning oil, when you can just spray an invisiblel layer containing exactly the right amount of melanin not to get burned? Use some buildup material (by hand or...
  • Commented on Polemic: how readers will discover books in future
    IMHO there are counter-measures: 1.Only read open-source books and compile them yourself from rtf or similar to epub. This has already happened in the moviebusiness. People download from torrentsites to avoid the commercials in the beginning of a rented movie....
  • Commented on Parasites
    Joined this thread a bit late, and I'm surprised my favourite parasite hasnt been mentioned yet (except possibly for the slave ant thing). Imagine a virus that infects through wounds in the skin, then finds the nearest neuron and slowly...
  • Commented on Book Launch: Neptune's Brood, Edinburgh, Thursday
    I'd love to get a no-drm ebook version of this one. Cant find it on tor-forge or tor though - is there one coming? Any idea of when?...
  • Commented on A Bad Dream
    Interesting topic and comments. One thing that I think is crucial to the current state of affairs is social interactions of politicians. We are all social creatures and over time we tend to share the views of those we cooperate...
  • Commented on PSA: Ignore the news
    couldnt agree more. Most newspapers are only worth reading backwards. Check the weather, possibly check if there is anything worth watching on the tube and or nearby concerts and events. Then read the comics. The end. Since the RSS subject...
  • Commented on Off the Map: Women in Science and Science Fiction
    I think you misunderstood me. I'm not talking about men being able to walk in women's shoes. Its about total equality in a professional career. It might be a small difference but if there is a likelihood that one sex...
  • Commented on Off the Map: Women in Science and Science Fiction
    Make it possible for men to breastfeed and be pregnant. Thats the single most important thing that could be done if we want to get a true equality careerwise (and probably in every other aspect too). That being said it...
  • Commented on How I feel this morning
    re: microbilling Bitcoins anyone?...
  • Commented on Thinking the unthinkable
    Regarding 2: As a Tobin-tax seems to be coming up in several EU-countries, including France and Germany ( ) the british Finance sector might stay right where they are, even if GB leaves EU....
  • Commented on It's a Wonderful Life
    As treatment becomes more and more expensive every society will come to a cutoff point where it cant afford to pay every treatment for everyone. Even here in Sweden that will happen, and we pay for treatments for a single...
  • Commented on Things that keep me awake at night #1: The end of telephony
    In Sweden there is a page that solves it pretty neatly, . Whenever a salesperson calls me I register the number they call from on that page (or through the app). You can choose to block the numbers listed...
  • Commented on The ticking clock, stopped
    The study you are referring to ( ) is interesting, but quite different from the scenario described here. Stopping aging at 60 means that you wont increase the fertile period of life for females, in the long run that...
  • Commented on 2512
    If we get cheap energy from other sources (fusion for example) synthetic hydrocarbon production could reverse the current climatic effects. Such tech could be available pretty soon:
  • Commented on 2512
    Using the term work might have been wrong, since I dont think it will take the same shape as it does (mostly) today. Rather, anything others consider interesting would qualify as work - maybe you wont be paid in money,...
  • Commented on 2512
    As water-level rises and surveillance increases seasteading will start to kick off. Climate (and water-levels) might get back to todays levels through hydrocarbon synthesis but will not drive people back to living on land. As life-expectancy increases dramatically our healthcare...
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