• Commented on Roko's Basilisk wants YOU
    It doesn't take any number of people believing it is a genuine concern to make it a public issue; just a few people citing the "unknown" number of people believing it while obliquely implying that it's probably a large number....
  • Commented on Roko's Basilisk wants YOU
    As of the 2011 survey (, 34.5% described their political ideology as "liberalism", 32.3% as "libertarianism", and 26.6% as "socialism". Also according to that survey, only 16.5% think an unfriendly AI is the biggest existential threat to humans, where unfriendly...
  • Commented on Roko's Basilisk wants YOU
    Speculative. This is all speculative. You're representing it as a dogmatic community of singularitarians when your evidence is "they aren't talking about X" and "some people think X is nightmare fuel". And you aren't warning of this limited evidence when...
  • Commented on Roko's Basilisk wants YOU
    Having spent around six months around Less Wrong, I have literally never encountered someone who believes this is a serious concern other than possibly Eliezer themselves, who only really says that they are enforcing a more general ban on things...
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