Uncle Stinky

Uncle Stinky

  • Commented on The Radiant Future! (Of 1995)
    This seems like pretty cool news - Atomic Nucleus Excited with Laser: A Breakthrough after Decades. "The "thorium transition", which physicists have been looking for for decades, has now been excited for the first time with lasers. This paves the...
  • Commented on The Radiant Future! (Of 1995)
    I knew about that and it's pretty shitty. Still doesn't actually have any bearing on the arguments raised....
  • Commented on The Radiant Future! (Of 1995)
    You're shocked that an avowedly left wing magazine has a left wing editorial stance? Which in no way vitiates the arguments raised in the article anyway. And you'll find it hard to locate much criticism of the Gates foundation in...
  • Commented on The Radiant Future! (Of 1995)
    Nobody knows the words to Louie Louie. The FBI couldn't work it out, though it's pretty amusing to watch them try...
  • Commented on The Radiant Future! (Of 1995)
    For someone who's supposed to be giving it all away, Bill Gates seems to have more than when he started doing that. I don't think he's really trying all that hard. How Bill Gates Makes the World Worse Off is...
  • Commented on The Radiant Future! (Of 1995)
    Slightly related, from the radiant future of 1985, the story of Etak, the world's first in-car navigation system....
  • Commented on Announcement time!
    Cooling the tube – Engineering heat out of the Underground is a pretty interesting read....
  • Commented on Announcement time!
    Your Ideas Are Intriguing to Me and I Wish to Subscribe to Your Newsletter. Homer Simpson, 1997. Got memed fairly widely thereafter....
  • Commented on Announcement time!
    Re the computer logout, I always think this cartoon is apposite...
  • Commented on Announcement time!
    Few will be surprised to discover that NEOM is going down the toilet....
  • Commented on Announcement time!
    Made me look. The Immortal Bard, 1954....
  • Commented on Announcement time!
    I'm fairly sure that Shakespeare failing on his own works is an old Asimov short story....
  • Commented on Announcement time!
    Given the likely scale of Labour's victory, I really hope someone runs against him on a purely pro NHS ticket. I'd vote for whomever it was and I doubt I'd be alone....
  • Commented on Announcement time!
    Don't forget that the odious Wes Streeting is also entirely too keen on privatising more and more bits of the NHS too.. Blue Labour all over again....
  • Commented on Announcement time!
    FWIW Netflix just transplanted their adaptation of The Three Body Problem to England (mostly), so there's every reason to hope they would produce it in the UK....
  • Commented on A Wonky Experience
    I was just thinking that my internet was 4.5 million times too slow and, bam, 4.5 million times faster internet? Aston University makes it possible...
  • Commented on A Wonky Experience
    Given that they appropriated Blade Runner from William Burroughs, I'd be curious to see what kind of hold they actually have on the name....
  • Commented on A Wonky Experience
    Freehold ownership can also come with conditions. My granny's deeds expressly prohibited her from operating either a brothel or a tripe shop out of the property. (I don't think she actually had any designs in that area, so the disappointment...
  • Commented on A Wonky Experience
    If anyone's interested, Kamil Galeev's Rhodus group has a fairly interesting report on how Russia is still able to produce missiles and which companies are aiding them....
  • Commented on A Wonky Experience
    To continue the space theme - China plans to build a giant rail gun to launch hypersonic planes into space, making Nasa’s dream come true....
  • Commented on A Wonky Experience
    Canonically, poison gas does not reliably work. His shield is what saves the Baron from the Duke's tooth. A fully gas-saturated environment probably would do it, I suppose....
  • Commented on A Wonky Experience
    The other thing modern audiences don't usually get that audiences of the time certainly would have, is that suicides go straight to Hell. Really adds a cheerful note to the ending, eh?...
  • Commented on A Wonky Experience
    Just need a warehouse filled with sand, an arc light for the sun and a large supply of DMT. People will see sandworms soon enough....
  • Commented on A Wonky Experience
    You can use it to knock out your new LP, if you don't fancy all that business about bothering to learn how to play anything properly - https://www.currentaffairs.org/2024/02/will-ai-enable-new-musical-creativity-or-undermine-musicians. (Can't speak to the quality because my galloping adult onset hearing loss...
  • Commented on A message from our sponsors: New Book coming!
    It absolutely is, but as long as it's heating on demand from a mains feed there's not any real risk. Legionella proliferates in stored water and dead legs of pipework that should have been disconnected. (More of a problem in...
  • Commented on A message from our sponsors: New Book coming!
    Machine gun-wielding robot dogs are better sharpshooters, claims study. I see no downsides to this at all....
  • Commented on Same bullshit, new tin
    Please don't. Peter Turchin's cliodynamics is pattern matching nonsense that plays fast and loose with the data that don't fit what he wants to prove. Sounds superficially compelling, but is horseshit. Here's an actual historian - https://acoup.blog/2021/10/15/fireside-friday-october-15-2021/ There are links...
  • Commented on Same bullshit, new tin
    Unrelated to anything foregoing but wildly entertaining -Florida Cop Empties His Gun, Runs For Cover After Acorn Falls On Car...
  • Commented on Same bullshit, new tin
    The fact that there's 4.5% or so of psychopaths in the population suggests they may actually have some uses. I do wonder if they can be restrained and harnessed in smaller groups, so it's only when populations balloon that their...
  • Commented on Same bullshit, new tin
    You'll never be entirely rid of them because politics attracts psychopaths like CEO positions do. https://stumblingandmumbling.typepad.com/stumbling_and_mumbling/2024/02/psychopath-politicians.html...
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