

  • Commented on The Radiant Future! (Of 1995)
    We used DESQView/386 for multi-tasking our DOS-based printing program (use case - driving multiple printers to print labels for such as Waitrose). We really, really wanted DESQView/X, but it took so long to arrive that we bit the bullet and...
  • Commented on The Radiant Future! (Of 1995)
    Meanwhile, the UK's Acorn Computers bought what was left of the NewtonOS intellectual property and continues to market the Newton Messagepad series as ruggedized retail and industrial data capture terminals in Europe, using the unique Graffiti text entry system from...
  • Commented on A Wonky Experience
    would these critters be commercially 'farmable'? I doubt it. You'd have no crop for years on end, and then when you did have a great big crop, the volume would be such as to force your price way, way down....
  • Commented on A Wonky Experience
    All kinds of typography issues plus things like what we call "f" today being used for things where we use an "s" today. Oh, you mean the 'long s' ('ſ')? If you're calling it an 'f', you're confusing it with...
  • Commented on Worldcon in the news
    I have spent many, many years running or helping to run various volunteer organizations. All I can say when I look at something like a worldcon is 'Fuck no, one would have to be completely insane'. My wife has been...
  • Commented on Crib Sheet: Season of Skulls
    That cheese: Killeen Gouda. At £40/kg (our local cheese shop) it's not cheap...
  • Commented on Crib Sheet: Season of Skulls
    The only real cheddar is made in Cornwall and matured for 12-18 months in the caves in Cheddar Gorge. cough Cheddar is in Somerset, not Cornwall. Two counties further east. But yeah, anything calling itself cheddar ought at least follow...
  • Commented on Made of lies (and more lies)
    when I was travelling on business 30 Y, there was a bunch of us trapped in a shithole hotel in a minor city where the local restaurants closed at 8:00PM because locals went to sleep at 9:00! When we were...
  • Commented on We're sorry we created the Torment Nexus
    We were in Palermo in Sicily a few weeks back, and there are certainly streets in the old town where there is no separate pavement, and pedestrians have to hang back into doorways when vehicles come through. It's also a...
  • Commented on We're sorry we created the Torment Nexus
    You put the racks in the cupboards that are where you don't have two redundant dish washers. A cupboard able to take a rack is going to be smaller, and a damned sight cheaper, than a whole plumbed-in dishwasher. It...
  • Commented on I should blog more, but ...
    Anything taking off from runway 24 tends to pick up the line of the A505 and follow that as far as Royston, at which point it ends up over our house. In the case of the Flying Legends airshow, the...
  • Commented on I should blog more, but ...
    Faggots are traditionally made with offal as their meat component. Checking a box of Brains' faggots from the freezer, those are made with pork liver and pork rind, but a fair bit of wheat flour and the like too Proper...
  • Commented on A fistful of tropes
    Tofu can have quite different textures, from silken (about as solid as cheese curds) through to as firm as bread. I'm not a fan of silken, but I (finally) opened and fried a pack of fish tofu cubes a couple...
  • Commented on Announcement: 2nd edition Laundry Files RPG is coming
    My general rule of thumb is that when someone mentions water power I immediately think "cublic (kilo)metres", with the prefix depending on whether they're talking grid or personal scale. 40 cubic metres falling 100m gives you 10kWh (assuming ~90% efficiency)....
  • Commented on Announcement: 2nd edition Laundry Files RPG is coming
    Here be dragons...
  • Commented on Pass or Fail
    I independently invented the idea many years ago, but I was far from surprised to find that it was already in use. (My concept was pretty much the same as the Moseley 1913 one - I didn't actually get to...
  • Commented on Announcement: 2nd edition Laundry Files RPG is coming
    Oh, that's why a friend is going there (Her original London to Toronto flight got cancelled, she got to Toronto a day late having been diverted via Zurich, and now she's on a flight to Winnipeg that may or may...
  • Commented on Go away, Muse, you're drunk (again) you wrote a cron job that would touch the files once every 2 months... Not my systems, so no. The network admin just had to update the rules for the data directories in question...
  • Commented on Go away, Muse, you're drunk (again)
    There is a hierarchy of memory in your computer. Typically a small amount of fast memory, with layers of cheaper, slower memory outside it. These are generally "registers", L1 cache, L2 cache, sometimes bu not always L3 Cache, main memory,...
  • Commented on Go away, Muse, you're drunk (again)
    I swear I've read at least one story where there were demons who will do a task but will take your ability to feel certain sensations/emotions as payment, but I can't remember the title or any additional details. In one...
  • Commented on Shrinking the world
    Likewise the Canada Line in Vancouver. The link to the airport is a terminus station, but the line it connects to services the suburbs We were in Vancouver when that line first opened, and it ran from close by our...
  • Commented on Shrinking the world
    We would have liked a Nozomi, but the JR Pass-compatible Hikaris were sufficiently fast for our purposes, so we didn't splash out on the Nozomi tickets Kyoto Shinkansen station was quite something though...
  • Commented on Shrinking the world
    As a data point, when we were in Japan in (checks polo shirt) in 2007, we covered 1500km of Shinkansen route in 10 hours, three trains in a row from Akita down to Hiroshima. Those were all standard gauge, but...
  • Commented on Shrinking the world
    For those unsure, a morningstar is a ball, spiked or not, on a chain. It looks like The Royal Armouries disagrees with you. But it's possible that it's a case of two nations divided by a common language....
  • Commented on Shrinking the world
    I think it was designed to target the female mozzies for somereason? It's the females who bite us. It doesn't hurt that it's also the female who end up as the bottleneck for the next generation: it doesn't matter how...
  • Commented on Shrinking the world
    I wear a suit for weddings and funerals. I usually do, but as it happens I went to a funeral yesterday, and although I do have proper tailored suits (why yes, I have been to Hong Kong), I didn't wear...
  • Commented on Fuck the Monarchy
    Oh right, Pyramiden is closed, and Baretsburg (currently) isn't...
  • Commented on Fuck the Monarchy
    Are you thinking of Pyramiden on Svalbard? Yeah, but the Svalbard treaty where Norway got sovereignty came with interesting additions allowing a whole bunch of other nations to go undertake economic activities there....
  • Commented on Fuck the Monarchy
    Yes. I remember one person of sub-Saharan ancestry who used the word 'black' in public to refer to himself, and was damned for being racist. There's a lot of illogic and inconsistency in this whole mess. Much is an attempt...
  • Commented on Crib Sheet: Escape from Yokai Land
    And see also fermented meat, such as salami...
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